6 reasons why your pantry looks cluttered, according to experts in the know

If your pantry is looking cluttered and chaotic, it may be down to how you store your kitchen appliances, serveware, and pantry staples. Here's how to stay organized...

A laundry room or pantry with rustic wooden open shelves and a ceramic sink
(Image credit: Future / Brent Darby Photography)

A pantry is one of the most complex working spaces in the home! Things constantly move in and out of it, and most family members use it. Your pantry ideas need structure to stay tidy and organized even during your busiest seasons. 

The best pantry organization ideas often come down to the smaller details. If you’ve added bins, decanted everything, and are still struggling with a cluttered-looking pantry, here are six reasons why your pantry storage ideas may still look cluttered.

1. There is a lot of retail packaging

neutral walk in pantry with matching glass jars

(Image credit: Plain English Design)

Retail packaging is designed to grab a consumer’s attention. It’s colorful with bold colors and a giant print.  While it may look great in a store, it will be overwhelming in a pantry. Non-food items and pantry staples like paper towels can be loose without the packaging, while food items work well in canisters. Here are some suggestions for things to remove from the packaging.

  • Paper towels 
  • Pasta 
  • Spices 
  • Flour 
  • Nuts and seeds 
  • Cereal Grains

Sometimes, we must keep the retail packaging, and that’s okay.  In that case, do your best to ensure the labels are lined up and everything looks as tidy as possible.

2. You aren’t using the right types of bins

Pantry storage with painted shelving

(Image credit: Benjamin Johnston Design)

Opaque bins with labels are most useful when you want a clutter-free pantry. The bin's solid structure hides its contents, so your eye sees only the bin and not all the little things inside. Plastic, bamboo, and natural woven materials are the most popular materials for a pantry. We still use clear or wire bins in pantries, so don’t count them out entirely.  Wire bins are great for produce that needs to breathe.  Clear bins are good for kids’ items, so they can easily see and access what they want.  For a clutter-free look, the items inside a translucent bin must be tidy, which may not always be practical, so keep that in mind.

3. The items on the floor aren’t contained

Many pantries have floor space, and tossing large things under the bottom shelf is so easy.  Items on the floor will immediately close in the space and make it feel cluttered.  If you must have things on the floor, try containing the items in large baskets.

4. Canisters aren’t working for you

I love a pantry with beautiful canisters filled with various foods and ingredients.  They are sleek and eye-pleasing. I also love that you can see how much of an item you have left at a glance. However, canisters aren’t for everyone because they require maintenance. Before you invest in canisters, ask yourself if it’s realistic to think you will take the time to refill them. A quick way to a cluttered-looking pantry is when there is an empty canister and packaged food beside it. If you want to try canisters, start with just a few items and buy canisters that are a little larger than you think you’ll need.  If you love it, then you can expand to other items. If it doesn’t work out, use opaque bins to contain the items, and you’ll still have a clean look.

5. Labels are too specific

Small kitchen with pantry storage and fluted glass partition

(Image credit: Laura Stephens Interior Design)

Labels are like Goldilocks. You don’t want too few labels because there won’t be any structure in your storage, but you don’t want your labels to be so restrictive that you have items that don’t belong anywhere. Labels need to be just right. Before using every label in a printed set, consider what you need in your home. Everyone’s pantry will be different. 

Here are some general labels you may need. 

  • Breakfast 
  • Baking 
  • Snacks 
  • Smoothies 
  • Entrée Ingredients 
  • Sweet Treats 
  • Grains

6. It’s time to clean out

Sometimes, it’s simply time to clean out.  Go through your food items and toss or donate items that are expired or you know will not be eaten.  Learn from what you discard to make better buying decisions next time. 

If you think you’ve tried everything for a clutter-free pantry, and it still doesn’t feel tidy, one of these reasons may be the culprit.

Caroline Roberts
Contributing expert

Caroline Roberts, a certified KonMari Consultant and professional organizer, founded the organizing agency The Simplified Island in 2019. Caroline believes being organized goes much deeper than pretty bins and can be life-changing. She recognized her organizing and streamlining skills were unique as she ran her marketing agency, Coastal Connections Marketing, and raised her two sons.