7 Things the most organized people have in their home office

Our home offices are hardworking spaces – here are the items the most organized people always keep on hand

home office with desk and open shelving
(Image credit: Superdwell)

We clock up a lot of hours at our working-from-home spaces, whether we work in a dedicated home office or at the kitchen table. The most organized of workspaces make use of storage solutions, labels, and organizational helpers so that everything has a home.

Cables are kept under control, tech and paperwork are stored out of sight, and the desk is clutter-free so you're less likely to spill your coffee over your keyboard.

Organizing a home office effectively makes Monday mornings that little bit easier, because it gives you a space that you're quite happy to hang out in – and, hopefully, it helps you to stay focused and breeze through your to-do list.

Things the most organized people have in their home offices

Here are seven things the most organized people have in their home offices to inspire you to organize your desk and create a room that makes you feel calm and productive.

Dark painted room with wooden desk and rattan chair

(Image credit: Brian Wetzel)

1. A monitor stand with drawer

On my wish list is a monitor stand with a drawer, available at The Container Store – this magically creates more desk space for storing away stationery and organizing cables, while also elevating your computer screen to a comfortable height. They blend in seamlessly with your desk and create additional storage space so that the rest of your desk stays tidy. 

Most of the designs available online have a little area underneath for tucking away your keyboard at the end of the day, which is a nice way to close down your workspace for the day, especially if your workspace is in your living area. 

These work equally well for keeping makeup organized.

2. As big a desk as possible

Corner desk in home office with chair and pictures

(Image credit: Imperfect Interiors/Chris Snook)

Homes & Gardens' editor Jennifer Ebert recommends measuring up your space and going big with your desk. 'Pay attention to the depth, too, and think about how much space you would ideally have when working,' she says.

'A larger desk gives you more surface area for your keyboard, mouse, and any additional laptops or monitors you might need to add to make working more comfortable. No space attracts plates, coffee cups, mail, and cable clutter like your desk, and future you will be glad you gave yourself the extra room.'

Depending on your preferences, you may like to consider a standing desk, available at Wayfair, which gives you the option to stand up, avoiding long periods of being sat down and potential back problems. If you need as much concealed storage as possible, then a vintage writing desk with drawers or an L-shaped desk from Wayfair may be better suited to your needs.

Jennifer Ebert
Jennifer Ebert

Jen is the editor of Homes & Gardens Digital. Before starting this position, she had completed various interior design courses at KLC Design School, as well as working across Ideal Home, LivingEtc, 25 Beautiful Homes and Country Homes & Interiors as an interiors writer.

3. Stationery holders

Aside from decluttering their home offices frequently, and being disciplined about what they have out on show, the most organized people have a designated spot for their stationery. You could choose pull-out drawers, like those by Nate Berkus below, a simple ceramic pen holder with a marble finish, from Wayfair.

Zara Stacey, Homes & Gardens' content editor says, 'I have a small desk space, but I like all my work documents and notepads to be in one spot, so this organizer from Amazon is perfect as it has a practical tiered design with a drawer and doesn't take up too much space.'

2-Tier Pull-Out Drawer Organizer | at Amazon

2-Tier Pull-Out Drawer Organizer | at Amazon
Nate Berkus' transparent organizer comes with a handy slide-out functionality that offers instant accessibility. Its built-in handles also allow you to grab any products with ease.

Zara Stacey, content editor, homesandgardens.com
Zara Stacey

Zara joined Homes & Gardens in February 2022 as a content editor. After studying English Literature at University, she worked at multiple independent businesses within the luxury retail and lifestyle sectors. She enjoys nothing more than discovering new trends, brands and products, whether that be in fashion, interior design or lifestyle.

4. Closed storage

There are various essential home office items that we would rather have hidden away when they aren't in use. Hard drives, HDMI cables, photography equipment, paperwork, padded envelopes – all of the above are best stored in furniture that you love looking at rather than anything overtly office-y.

The most organized home offices have aesthetic home organizing solutions, such as a pull-out drawer that slots neatly under the sleeper bed, or perhaps a stylish dresser that keeps those less visually pleasing objects (such as the printer) tucked away.

5. Labels

desk for two people in loft home office

(Image credit: John Cullen)

Add labels onto drawers, baskets, and bins if it makes it feel more fun and functional. Invest in a simple label maker, at Amazon so it's extra clear where everything belongs. This will mean it's quicker and easier to find your notes two minutes before a video call, plus you are more likely to put everything back in the correct drawer.

6. A designated dumping ground

The best home organizing systems allow for everyday life. Create a basket or bin for things that don't really have a home, that you're going to sort out later, or that you need to give back to a friend. Then tackle it when you have the mental capacity, rather than trying to keep absolutely everything in its place all the time.

7. Design features you love

home office with striped curtains and open shelving

(Image credit: Future PLC)

Remember to incorporate some home decor that you really love in this otherwise very functional space. This could be office wall decor ideas that allow you to create an inspiring display of artwork, mementos and reminders. Or perhaps it's a desk lamp you love, such as this portable, rechargeable mushroom lamp, at Amazon.

How can I keep a very small home office organized?

Digitize as much as possible, so folders of paperwork aren't taking up unnecessary room. Use the vertical space you have available with wall-mounted organizers and peg boards, available at Walmart. A rolling cart is another useful way to corral home office supplies, and it can easily be used elsewhere if your needs change later down the line.

The time we spend at our desks means it's really worthwhile to spend some time carefully planning out ways to make it feel more functional, tidy and mood-boosting. Imagining you are an interior designer in charge of decorating a celebrity's home office with the best home office storage and the perfect color scheme for a home office and the tidiness will follow.

Millie Hurst
Section Editor

Millie Hurst is a freelance lifestyle writer with over six years of experience in digital journalism. Having previously worked as Solved Section Editor at Homes & Gardens and Senior SEO Editor at News UK in London and New York, Millie has written for an array of homes brands including Livingetc and Real Homes and was formerly Senior Content Editor at Ideal Home. She has written and edited countless features on home organization, decluttering and interior design and always hopes to inspire readers with new ways to enjoy their homes. She lives in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, and loves to weave nature-inspired decor and nods to time spent in Italy into her own home.