How to rearrange your furniture at Christmas – according to Feng Shui

When making space for your tree, keep these vital rules for furniture placement in mind to maintain good energy, experts warn

A christmas treein the corner of a living room, a yellow arm chair in front of it
(Image credit: Loaf)

Whether rearranging your home to fit your Christmas tree or making space for hosting guests, it is easy to fall into the trap of putting furniture wherever it will fit. This might be affecting your home's energy flow, however, Feng Shui consultants warn. 

Good Feng Shui furniture placement is important year-round, especially at potentially tense times such as the holidays, to maintain your luck and stave off disaster during the festive period. 

This is how to rearrange your furniture at Christmas to keep positive energy flowing, according to the experts.

How to rearrange your furniture at Christmas for Feng Shui

Whether you are trying to make a Christmas tree fit in a small space or locate the perfect spot for your festive centerpiece for the family to gather around, you usually have to move some of your furniture and reassess your usual home layout to fit this essential piece of holiday decor. 

No matter if you are moving a single side table, or switching up your living room layout entirely, Anjie Cho, holistic interior designer and Feng Shui expert, urges you to find a layout that will preserve the flow of energy and people: 

‘You never want to block doorways or main walkways,’ she asserts. ‘When decorating for Christmas, your priority should always be keeping people and energy moving, maintaining flow.’ 

Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho

Anjie Cho is a creator of holistic spaces, specifically focused on designing architectural interiors, and teaching feng shui and meditation. She is the author of Mindful Homes and Holistic Spaces.

Christmas table with hydrangeas and baubles

(Image credit: Malcolm Menzies)

When locating a new home for evicted furniture, Anna Lippett, Feng Shui expert, and principal holistic designer and director, suggests avoiding shoving it into corners and hoping for the best: 

‘This can impede the flow of chi and create areas of stagnant energy.’ Instead, to help avoid 'dead' energy at Christmas, Anna recommends switching out furniture and decor and putting unwanted pieces into your Christmas storage, so that you can decorate for Christmas without clutter.

The process of seasonal decorating actually is great for shifting stagnant energy in the home. 'Moving things around, adding in different textures, colors, and decor that spark joy and excitement are a natural energy booster – getting it right helps to re-energize the space for the New Year,’ she adds. 

anna lippett
Anna Lippett

Anna came from a traditional interior design background (and a corporate career in health and wellness before that!) – both of which gave her insight into the challenges felt by so many in their homes and workspaces.

green living room with Christmas garland around shelving unit and a bauble hanging garland of lights, boucle chair, presents, blanket, candles

(Image credit: Benjamin Moore)

It is not just your relocated furniture that can disrupt your home’s energy flows at Christmas, reminds holistic designer and architect Anjie Cho. You also need to be aware of the weight of added furniture – particularly for kitchen Feng Shui, living room Feng Shui, and dining rooms where you might be adding seating to accommodate guests. 

Anjie recommends we give every guest enough space to sit comfortably and move around the space. If a person cannot move, energy can’t either, she says. ‘You don't want anyone crammed in or left out,’ so plan your parties accordingly and rearrange furniture before hosting a crowd.


Where do I put a Christmas tree for good Feng Shui?

For good Feng Shui, a Christmas tree is best placed towards the wealthy or family corners of your room or home to help improve luck with prosperity and relationships during the holiday period. This is usually the upper left corner of your home or room.

Rearranging your home’s layout for Christmas is a great time to cleanse your home of stagnant or bad energy before your guests arrive, adds Anna Lippett, holistic designer.

‘You can do this in many ways, the simplest being through setting an intention,’ she begins. ‘Stand at your front door and set the intention that any energy not for your highest good can't enter your home. You may want to place a protective crystal, such as black tourmaline by your front door to transmute any negative energies entering.

‘After your guests have left, open any doors and windows and set the intention for any unwanted energy to leave your home. Playing some favorite music, lighting a candle, or using an oil diffuser can be a great way to get the energy frequency back in alignment while putting your home and furniture back in order.’ 

Content Editor

Chiana has been at Homes & Gardens for two years. She spends most of her time producing content for the Solved section of the website, helping readers get the most out of their homes through clever decluttering, cleaning, and tidying tips. She was named one of Fixr's top home improvement journalists in 2024.