How to get rid of dust in the bathroom – 5 steps to a spotless space

These cleaners' tips on how to dust a bathroom are the only way to achieve a clean wash space

Bathroom remodel
(Image credit: Superdwell)

Bathrooms are often one of the dustiest rooms in a house, and it can sometimes seem almost impossible to stay on top of dust as it covers the white porcelain-like surfaces and even the walls. 

When cleaning a bathroom, dedicating time to dusting first is essential for a clean-looking space – it can even help make a bathroom smell good too. Skip the step, and your bathroom won't look any cleaner than when you started. 

Here, professional cleaners have explained why bathrooms get so dusty, and how to prevent dust for a consistently clean space.  

How to dust a bathroom

If you’re wondering why your bathroom is the dustiest room in your house, the answer is simply steam, says Kait Schulhof, cleaning expert and founder of A Clean Bee:

‘Hot showers and hot baths create steam in a bathroom. That steam will trap dust in the air caused by hair and skin cells from showering and drying off, and cause it to stick to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.

‘This is why it can feel like your entire bathroom is covered with dust or grime from floor to ceiling.’

cleaning expert
Kait Schulhof

Kait Schulhof is the founder of A Clean Bee, a website about sustainability-focused cleaning and organizing.

1. Always use a microfiber cloth

A lasy using a cloth and spray to wipe down a make up desk

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When removing dust in your home, you should always start with a microfiber cloth, suggests Ryan Knoll, cleaning expert and founder of Tidy Casa. These are not only superior in picking up fine dust and debris, but you can wash microfiber cloths and use them time and time again – unlike a feather duster, which usually has a very limited lifespan, he explains.

12 Microfiber cloths | $13.99 at Amazon

12 Microfiber cloths | $13.99 at Amazon
A good microfiber cloth is the most important tool in a cleaning arsenal. Keep a few to hand, and learn how to wash microfiber cloths to keep them effective, and you'll rarely need anything else. Their electromagnetic fibers will pick up dust effectively.

Ryan Knoll
Ryan Knoll

Ryan Knoll is the CEO and founder of Tidy Casa, a cleaning service that now spans multiple states across the US.

2. Remove clutter from surfaces and showers

Bathroom basin with countertop space

(Image credit: Acquabella)

Before dusting, you should always start with decluttering a bathroom and removing anything in the way of you doing a proper job, says Millie Hurst, Solved section editor for Homes & Gardens.

‘Clear off your bathroom counters, shelves, and shower floor to capture all the dust in your space,’ she recommends. ‘Leaving dust anywhere when cleaning will act like a magnet for more dust, so having a good clear out is essential.’

3. Start with dry dusting before damp dusting

A common dusting mistake people make is to go straight in with a polish or dusting product, highlights Muffetta Kreuger, cleaning expert and founder of Muffetta’s Domestic Assistants. This can be somewhat effective, she says, but you should really dry dust first to pick up the loose debris and avoid just spreading it around:

‘Start by dry dusting surfaces, including countertops, mirrors, and light fixtures. Work from top to bottom to capture falling dust.

‘Then, lightly dampen a clean microfiber cloth with water or a mild cleaning solution for more stubborn dust to prevent smearing. Wipe down surfaces gently before drying.’ 

Muffetta Krueger
Muffetta Krueger

Muffetta Krueger is a cleaning expert and founder of Muffetta’s Domestic Assistants with over 16 years of operational management experience in the service industry. Muffetta’s Domestic Assistants provides housekeepers, house cleaners and maids, and is based in New York.

4. Vacuum regularly

Bathroom tiles

(Image credit: Roper Rhodes)

We know how often we should vacuum around the rest of our homes, but do you know how often to vacuum a bathroom? Ryan Knoll, cleaning expert, suggests it should be as much as twice a week to stay on top of dust:

‘Regular vacuuming, using a soft brush attachment, can prevent dust buildup,’ he explains. ‘Use the best vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter for the best results. Some vacuums tend to kick up dust while vacuuming, which can make dusty situations more challenging. 

‘Our go-to vacuum is the Shark ZU782 Rotator Lift-Away DuoClean Pro Upright, available at Amazon.’ 

5. Prevent dust with good ventilation

Spartan column radiator in white bathroom

(Image credit: The Radiator Centre)

The key to making dusting a bathroom easier is preventing it from settling and clinging to surfaces in the first place. Besides using an air purifier throughout the day to limit dust in the air, it is also vital to ensure good ventilation to reduce excess moisture, Kait Schulhof, cleaning expert, reminds us:

‘Ventilation should be one of the first things to consider when planning a new bathroom. Minimizing the amount of steam that accumulates in your bathroom can also minimize the layers of dust that get stuck to every surface. Open windows or use a ceiling vent to remove excess moisture while showering.’ 


How do I keep my bathroom counter dust-free?

A great way to keep your bathroom counter dust-free is to keep bathroom countertops clear of clutter and wipe the surface down to remove dust and spills daily when you use your vanity. This could be at the start or end of each day, working the cleaning into your existing daily routine. Keep a microfiber cloth or cleaning towel in your counter cabinet or drawer to make this easier. 

What are the rules for dusting?

Some of the most important rules for dusting is to always work from top to bottom, allowing any dust you disturb to fall onto surfaces you are yet to clean (to be sure it will be captured), and to always vacuum after dusting, not before, to collect remaining disturbed dust for a truly thorough job.  

When dusting a bathroom, consistency is key, cleaning expert Ryan Knoll, concludes. ‘Keeping a regular schedule and using effective products will significantly reduce dust accumulation, making your bathroom a cleaner and more enjoyable space to be in.’ 

Chiana Dickson
Content Editor

Chiana has been at Homes & Gardens for two years and is our resident 'queen' of non-toxic living. She spends most of her time producing content for the Solved section of the website, helping readers get the most out of their homes through clever decluttering, cleaning, and tidying tips. She was named one of Fixr's top home improvement journalists in 2024.