How to declutter Halloween decorations – 5 tips from the pros

Whether you are trying to free up space or looking for gaps in your decoration collection, our experts have shared their 5 best methods for decluttering your Halloween decorations

halloween decorations
(Image credit: Pottery Barn, Shea McGee, Anthropologie)

The Halloween period is another opportunity to bring out the decorations and dress up your home in weird and wonderful decor. Ranging from entire home makeovers to last-minute Halloween decoration ideas, there are many ways you can decorate your home for the spooky season.

From outdoor Halloween lights to scary and chic Halloween wreaths, there is a variety of decorations that need to be stored away and organized every time this short festive period comes to an end.

As we enter November, the time comes to take down our Halloween decorations and transition into winter. This is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize our Halloween décor and store for next year’s celebration.

Experts share 5 ways to declutter Halloween décor 

Our experts have shared their five best decluttering tips for your Halloween décor that can help relieve you from your unwanted and unused decorations. 

Halloween porch decor with lanterns

(Image credit: Pottery Barn)

1. Start with a plan

Before you dive into the process of editing your Halloween décor collection, interior designer Ana Coddington suggests taking some time to come up with a plan. What do you want to achieve? 

Do you want to reduce the overall volume of decorations, organize them better, or simply get rid of items you no longer use or need? Once you've determined your theme, it's easier to curate your décor accordingly.

Take photos of your Halloween decorations with a camera like this Fujifilm Instax Mini 40 polaroid camera from Amazon. This helps you remember your collection when categorizing and decluttering. It also serves as a visual reference when planning next year's setup, avoiding over-purchasing similar items or neglecting favorite pieces. 

Ana Coddington
Ana Coddington

Ana Coddington is the Lead Interior Designer for Archival Designs. She has over 10 years of experience with consultations, CAD software, and space planning, helping to create unique and stylish homes. 

2. Take stock of what you have

Taking an inventory of your Halloween décor is the key to an effective decluttering session. According to cleaning expert Karina Toner, it's like creating a roadmap, helping you understand the actual scope of your collection. By knowing what you have, you can make informed decisions about what to keep, what to part with, and what might need refreshing.

Start by pulling out all the boxes, bins, and bags from storage and spreading them out where you can see everything. Now, it's time to make some tough decisions. Do you really need three different witch hats? Are those ghost decorations still in good shape or are they starting to look a bit tattered? Remember that decluttering is all about making space for the things that you truly love and use.

Karina Toner
Karina Toner

Karina Toner is a cleaning expert at Spekless Cleaning, a house cleaning service based in Arlington or Washington D.C. 

3. Categorize decorations

Sort your decorations into categories like outdoor, indoor, lights, and other small items. By categorizing your decorations, you can focus on one group at a time. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed by the entire collection, making the decluttering process more manageable and less stressful. Some common categories might include:

  • Indoor decorations (e.g. candles, figurines, wall hangings)
  • Outdoor decorations (e.g. yard inflatables, outdoor lights)
  • Tableware (e.g. plates, cups, napkins)
  • Costumes and accessories
  • Craft supplies (if you make your decorations)

‘Another category to consider is an "unsure" pile,’ explains Janille Mangat, cleaning specialist at VMAP services. ‘Designate a specific area, such as a dedicated shelf or a labeled bin, where you temporarily place items that you're unsure about or no longer love. 

'Keep these items separate from your regular décor. If you don't feel the need to use them the following Halloween season, consider donating or disposing of them.’ 

Janille Mangat

Janille Mangat has been working as a cleaning specialist at VMAP services for more than 2 years and has extensive experience with residential and cleaning services. 

4. Check for damages

Every year, our Halloween decorations are susceptible to damage, both when they are arranged around the house and placed in and out of storage. One way to declutter your decorations is by removing all of the damaged ones.

Examine each item for signs of normal wear and tear over time. If any decorations are broken or damaged, it's important to make a choice: either repair them promptly or bid them farewell. 

One way to protect your more fragile decorations is to wrap them in old newspaper or tissue paper, like this bulk tissue paper pack from Amazon, before storing them. This will help to protect them from damage and keep them in good condition for next year.

5. Consider storage space

‘It’s important to be mindful of your available storage space as it's a consideration that directly influences your decluttering decisions,’ says cleaning expert Perna Jain. ‘You don't want to end up with decor that overflows your storage areas. Planning ahead makes it easier to stay organized and ensure that your Halloween decor has a dedicated and easily accessible place.

'The choice of clear storage bins or labeled opaque bins remains a matter of personal preference, but both options serve the same purpose – efficient organization. Invest in clear, stackable storage containers, like these from Amazon, for Halloween decorations. Label each container with a label maker, like this DYMO Label Manager from Amazon,  so you know what's inside. Efficient storage can make decorating, and taking decorations down, a breeze and helps to keep your home clutter-free.

Clear bins allow easy identification of contents, saving time when you're searching for specific decorations. On the other hand, opaque bins, like these fabric storage containers from Wayfair, give your storage space a cohesive and organized look.  

Prerna Jain
Prerna Jain

Prerna Jain is the founder of Ministry Of Cleaning, a top-rated cleaning service with years of industry experience. 


How do you protect Halloween decorations?

In order to protect your Halloween decorations you should wrap your porcelain and ceramic decorations in bubble wrap and secure them with tape. For glitter decorations, wrap them in plastic bags so that the glitter does not rub off onto your furnishings or clothes.

How can I decorate a small space for Halloween?

Even with limited space, you can still decorate for Halloween. Some easy ways to add Halloween decoration to your home including decorating the mantels and windows. Also utilize vertical space by hanging witches' hats or artificial candles from the ceiling.

Remember that decluttering is a process, and it may take time to go through all your decorations. Be selective in what you keep, and focus on quality over quantity to create a more enjoyable and festive Halloween atmosphere in your home. 

Once you have sorted through your Halloween decorations, it's time to decide what to do with the items you no longer want. If they are in good condition and could still be enjoyed by someone else, consider donating them to a local thrift store or charity. You could also try selling them online or at a yard sale. This not only helps declutter your own space but also gives someone else the opportunity to enjoy your unused decorations. 

Seraphina Di Mizzurati
Contributing Editor

Seraphina is a contributing editor at Homes & Gardens, writing Solved features on organizing and storage. She loves to decorate and also grow her own produce from her home in London. Her previous experience includes working at Women's Health and Fabulous Magazine.