Can an air purifier cool down a room? Expert tips for summer

Air purifiers can create a similar cooling effect to a fan (with the added bonus of clean, purified air). This is how to use an air purifier to cool down a room

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To help our homes have cleaner air, air purifiers move air around, capture particles, and release clean air back into our space. This process can create a cooling effect, and, if used in the right way, you can use your air purifier to cool down a room.

In our dedicated feature, why is my air purifier blowing cold air, we learned that the best air purifiers don't actually produce cool air, instead, they work similarly to the best fans. Both products cool us by blowing air over our skin, but the temperature of the air remains the same.

So, if you're using an air purifier together with a fan and good ventilation, all can work together to help to cool down a room.

Can an air purifier cool down a room?

Coway Airmega Aim Air purifier in action

(Image credit: Future)

'An air purifier is a high-powered fan with a filtration system. It doesn't blow cold air by itself but rather moves the air in a room,' explains Peter Mann, CEO of Oransi.

You might not view an air purifier as a 'fan' necessarily, but this is how they're able to do their job. This can provide more comfort in the summer months, improving the air you breathe and the temperature of the room.

'The fan system blows the air and is responsible for the increased ventilation. It can also create a cooling effect on your skin which increases the evaporation of sweat,' says Peter.

You can use this to your advantage on a hot day. Of course, some air purifiers double up as fans (and vice versa), and if you're looking for an air purifier that will cool down a room, these might be worth looking at:

How to cool down a room with an air purifier

Realistically, an air purifier can cool down a room the same as any fan could. So, to make the most of this airflow, you can use a combination of fans and ventilation to keep your home as comfortably breezy as you want.

We've gone into more detail in how to cool a room with fans, but fans can be used in conjunction with each other to create an AC-like effect, or even to emulate the sensation of a cool breeze outdoors.

This can be achieved using a variety of fans. Floor, tower and pedestal fans can be positioned around a room (or open-plan apartment) to create a strong breeze, flowing purified air around and sending any airborne particles back to the air purifier. It's a powerful and effective method to have clean, healthy and comfortable air indoors.

For more tips this summer, check out how to cool down a room fast, and these home remedies to stay cool.

Dan Fauzi
Home Tech Editor

Dan is the Home Tech Editor for Homes & Gardens, covering all things cleaning, smart home, sound and automation across the Solved section. Having worked for Future PLC since July 2023, Dan was previously the Features Editor for Top Ten Reviews and looked after the wide variety of home and outdoor content across the site, but their writing about homes, gardens, tech and products started back in 2021 on brands like BBC Science Focus, YourHomeStyle, Homes & Antiques and Gardens Illustrated.

Dan is based in Bristol, UK with a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Magazine Journalism. Outside of work, you'll find them at gigs and art galleries, cycling somewhere scenic, or cooking up something good in the kitchen.