
Spring photography tips to help you capture the beauty of the season

You can still enjoy the wonders of nature through photography...

The lighter mornings and longer evenings are the perfect indication that spring is here. With flowers starting to bloom, the skies getting brighter and nature appearing more often – it’s certainly one of the most photogenic times of year. What better way to get inspired than with some expert spring photography tips?

SeeGarden to plate - this is the best produce to grow in a greenhouse

Whilst our time outdoors is restricted, we can still make the most of this beautiful season through photography.

With this in mind, Clare Moreton, photo expert at CEWE, has shared her top five tips to help you capture the beauty of spring in your photography, despite the circumstances.

Top five spring photography tips:


Whether it’s fresh green grass just outside your window, bright yellow tulips popping up in your garden or the crisp blue sky, spring provides many wonderful colours that should be taken advantage of.

Try and focus on bright colours that complement something a bit subtler, like white or green, as this will make your photos pop and help the bold spring colours stand out even more. The contrasting colours will complement each other perfectly and will make your photos even more eye-catching.

Spring photography tips

(Image credit: Cewe)


Whilst our outdoor time might be restricted, spring is the time of year when wildlife that has been hibernating for the colder winter period makes its return and these moments are truly wonderful to capture. The trick to doing so effectively, is to carefully consider your composition – meaning how all the elements sit together within the frame.

One of the basics of photography and a common composition technique is the ‘Rule of Thirds’. Imagine your image is divided by two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, creating a 3×3 grid. Whether you are out in the garden or shooting on a daily stroll, position the wildlife you’re photographing near to these lines, or close to one of the four intersections of the grid. By placing them off-centre, you’ll capture images that are much more natural and pleasing to the eye.

Spring photography tips

(Image credit: Cewe)


Making the most of the settings on your camera is key for ensuring your spring photography really stands out. You may find that if you’re shooting in the standard mode, your images aren’t quite picking up the vibrancy and beauty that you can see with your own eyes.

This is where the mode on your camera will help as it will enhance the spring elements that you want to see clearly and boldly. Setting your camera to landscape mode when capturing the spring season will boost the blues, greens and the naturally bold colours, which can be seen in person, in your photos.

photography tips

(Image credit: Michael Breitung)


The best time to take photographs in the spring season is during the golden hour. This means the time around sunrise and sunset when the light has that golden glow. This time of day is also perfect for capturing striking silhouettes of animals, wildlife and buildings if you position your subject in front of the light source.

It’s best to avoid taking photographs during the middle of the day, as the light is a little too harsh and may leave your photos looking too bright, causing the beautiful colours of spring to be lost. A mistake people often make when taking photographs during spring is being put off by clouds.

Clouds are actually really beneficial as they help to diffuse the light, making it softer and removing harsh shadows - ensuring your photos capture the very essence of spring without appearing too bright.

Spring photography tips

(Image credit: Cewe)


Although spring is symbolic for flowers blooming, the season also marks the start of firsts for many other things that can make beautiful photos.

Look for buds growing on trees in the garden, birds returning home or even fluffy ducklings in a nearby pond. Spring embodies the simplest yet joyful moments that, when captured, can truly make the most amazing photographs.

(Image credit: Cewe)

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Contributing Editor

Ruth Doherty is an experienced digital writer and editor specializing in interiors, travel and lifestyle. With 20 years of writing for national sites under her belt, she’s worked for the likes of, Standard, Ideal Home, Stylist and Marie Claire as well as Homes & Gardens.