Haven't got a Mother's Day gift yet? Discover the best indoor plants to gift this year

Treat the mother figure in your life to a gift that will keep growing

Kalanchoe plants
(Image credit: artursfoto via Getty Images)

As Mother's Day fast approaches, it's time to get your hands on the right gift for the mother figure in your life. Houseplants are a wonderfully enduring present to give, as the recipient can take joy in nurturing them and watching them grow.

Among the best indoor plants are a selection of houseplants perfect to gift. Whether you're after a flowering indoor plant or something with funky foliage, there's a houseplant to make everyone happy.

Discover the best houseplants for Mother's Day in our expert list below, plus some tips to look after them.

Moth orchids

(Image credit: Maryviolet via Getty Images)

5 houseplants for Mother's Day

Treat the mother figure in your life to a gift that keeps on growing. We've compiled an expert list of the best houseplants for Mother's Day and some tips to care for them correctly.

1. Anthurium

close-up of red anthurium flowers

(Image credit: Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images)

A popular choice for Mother's Day and an indoor plant that flowers all year round, anthuriums are beautiful, bright houseplants.

Caring for anthuriums is easy. You should keep these showy plants out of direct sunlight and water them when around half of the soil is dry. 

If you find that this plant has stopped flowering, don't fret. You can get an anthurium to bloom again by adjusting its growing conditions. 

2. Sweetheart Succulent 

Sweetheart hoya in a white pot with bright light

(Image credit: emotionalsea)

Show someone you love and appreciate them with a sweetheart succulent, or Hoya kerrii. This charming succulent has iconic heart-shaped leaves, making them ideal for gifting.

'Watch out for the single leaf in a tiny pot,' says Abby Perry, master gardener and founder of Abby's Garden Parties. 'While those solitary hearts may look tempting, most lack the structure to grow and thrive in the long run,' she adds.

Check the sweetheart succulent has viable leaf nodes and the ability to flourish beyond Mother's Day and then keep it in optimal conditions. This includes placing it in bright, indirect sunlight and not watering too frequently to avoid houseplant root rot.

Abby Perry
Abby Perry

Abby Perry, founder and owner of Abby's Garden Parties, is a Master Gardener and passionate advocate for connecting people with nature through hands-on experiences. At Abby’s Garden Parties, Abby provides gardening experiences as well as a mental health boost and an opportunity for creativity. 

3. Moth Orchid

A yellow potted orchid sitting on a windowsill

(Image credit: Images say more about me than words / Getty Images)

A trusted choice to gift for Mother's Day is a moth orchid. These exotic blooms are loved by many for their unique shape and many colorful hues. 

Although, be aware that orchids can be trickier to care for and common indoor plant mistakes may lead to orchid stems turning yellow or cause orchids to wilt

It's worth researching how to water orchids correctly and helping the recipient understand the needs of these delicate plants so that they can bloom for longer.

4. Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen

(Image credit: Dafid Saputra via Getty Images)

For lovers of fun foliage, a Chinese evergreen plant, or aglaonema, is an obvious choice. There are many varieties of these tropical indoor plants, with beautiful variegated foliage that instantly brightens up interiors.

'The plant is beautiful and adds so much beauty to your home. The colors are so beautiful it is almost like there are flowers in the house,' says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf, houseplant expert at The Houseplant Guru. 

These plants are relatively easy to care for and adapt well as a low light indoor plant. 'The nice thing about aglaonemas is they have succulent stems and so are forgiving of drying out quite a bit,' says Lisa. 'Yet, they will develop yellow leaves if they are too wet or dry,' she notes. 

Lisa Eldred Steinkopf
Lisa Eldred Steinkopf

Lisa is a houseplant expert who runs her blog The Houseplant Guru with over a decade of professional experience at Steinkopf Nursery and Garden Center in Michigan. As a child, Lisa helped her grandma tend to African violets and other houseplants. Since then, Lisa has forged a career providing houseplant advice, holding lectures and writing for publications across the US. 

5. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 'Calandiva Purple'

(Image credit: JaremtsUK 500px/Getty Images)

Another gorgeous option for a flowering indoor plant to gift for Mother's Day is a kalanchoe. These plants are flowering succulents that bloom in a range of colors, including pink and yellow.

Don't be concerned if your kalanchoe stops flowering, however. 'The kalanchoe may go into a period of dormancy after blooming because it needs time to rest so it can rebloom,' says says Autumn Janus, houseplant expert from Perfect Plants.

A lack of flowering may also be caused by incorrect growing conditions, including insufficient light. Adjust the growing conditions and you'll be able to get your kalanchoe to flower again.

Autumn Hilliard-Knapp
Autumn Janus

Autumn is a horticulture specialist and marketing professional at Perfect Plants Nursery. With four years of experience in the horticulture industry, she has developed a passion for helping people create beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces to enjoy. Her expertise in horticulture encompasses a broad range of activities, including plant care and selection, landscape design, and maintenance.


What are the best flowers for Mother's Day?

There are so many beautiful flowers to choose from to gift for Mother's Day. Tulips are a popular choice and it's possible to care for tulips in a vase to keep them flowering for longer. Other flowers typically associated with Mother's Day include carnations, which have traditionally been the flower for this day.

Gifting a houseplant for Mother's Day is a great way to give a present that the mother figure in your life can keep enjoying. You can find other gift inspiration in our Mother's Day gift guide.

Tenielle Jordison
News Writer (Gardens)

Tenielle is a News Writer in the Gardens team at Homes & Gardens with over five years of journalistic experience. She studied BA Journalism, Media and English Literature and MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University. Before coming to Homes & Gardens, Tenielle was in the editorial department at the Royal Horticultural Society and worked on The Garden magazine. Tenielle writes on a range of gardening topics, from 'how to' guides to solutions for houseplant problems and inspiring garden projects, as well as the latest gardening news.

She is passionate about sustainable living and the role gardening has to play in tackling the effects of climate change. Tenielle is also a houseplant lover who is slowly running out of room for her ever-growing collection. When she isn't writing, Tenielle can be found propagating her indoor plants, helping others overcome common houseplant pests and diseases, and volunteering at a local gardening club.