Gwyneth Paltrow's tidy pantry organization employs an ingenious hack that makes her space appear bright and clean

The Home Edit organized the Goop founder's pantry for stunning effects – and professional organizers say it's simple to replicate

Gwyneth Paltrow
(Image credit: Dimitrios Kambouris via Getty Images)

Gwyneth Paltrow provides the ultimate lifestyle inspiration. The Goop founder and actress prioritizes wellness in all things, and the organization of her home is no exception.

The pantry idea in Gwyneth Paltrow's Hamptons home, put together by The Home Edit, is a work of art. Paltrow's all-white shelves are filled with snacks in wicker baskets, clear jars with grains, and rows of bottled beverages. Open side baskets on the top shelf provide backstock space for lesser-used snacks.

Suzanne Roynon, interiors therapist says: 'The Home Edit have inspired countless kitchen transformations and around the world, we’ve seen cupboards and pantries upgraded from a jumble of packets and boxes to streamlined, eminently usable spaces thanks to the clever storage solutions on offer. In this recent post displaying Gwyneth Paltrow’s pantry organization in her Hampton’s Home, the team has worked with Gwyneth’s pared-back, clean, natural, and minimalist style in their choice of white shelves and matching accessories.'

Most notably, Paltrow's home uses a brilliant home organizing tip to lighten and brighten the room: white paint. Roynon states, 'Using white products will automatically brighten up the inside of cupboards by disguising the multitude of packaging colors which can look somewhat chaotic. It’s easy to take down the box and select exactly what you need rather than pulling individual items off a shelf. If being able to see what’s in a box is more important than visual appearance, you’ll also find a wide range of clear plastic products, or those, like Gwyneth’s, made of more natural, ecologically sound, materials.'

Suzanne Roynon
Suzanne Roynon

Suzanne is a feng shui consultant, interiors therapist and author of Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationshipavailable at Amazon. She specializes in understanding the energetic impact of homes and certain possessions may have on all aspects of life, health and relationships, and the ways in which ‘stuff’ can actively prevent people and families from thriving and enjoying the lifestyle they deserve.

Furthermore, Gwyneth's team at The Home Edit has expertly chosen the perfect containers for food storage. 'In terms of practicality, the glass jars are environmentally friendly and reusable, and that’s definitely a theme with this design, ' Roynon tells Homes & Gardens. She continues, 'The team has left space at either end of the shelf for the jars at the front to be moved across to access the ones at the rear. It’s these little touches that make the space usable because no one wants to complicate life by unloading a shelf to find the right ingredient mid-way through baking.'

She adds, 'Up on the top shelf, the open ‘Tosca’ baskets have been used to contain packets, perhaps for easily available back-stock. They are perfect while the packaging is unopened but won’t contain rice or lentil spillages, so bear this in mind if you choose them for your home. The white wicker baskets have a detachable, washable lining, which is great news because, inevitably, debris will drop into them from stored items or the shelves above. Similar baskets are widely available across the USA and Europe.'

However, what's just as important as what is there in Paltrow's walk-in pantry is what's not there. Roynon says: 'What really makes this pantry stand out is the amount of empty space. Nothing is crammed in, and the shelves provide abundant opportunities for fresh air to circulate around the storage options. Gwyneth is known to follow Feng Shui principles for her home, and this room is no exception.'

Shop the Look

Paltrow's pantry organization is the blueprint, and it's so easy to recreate. With a bit of feng shui knowledge, some organizational baskets, and a coat of white paint, you're halfway there.

Sophie Edwards
News Editor

Sophie is a London-based News Editor at Homes & Gardens, where she works on the Celebrity Style team. She is fascinated by the intersection of design and popular culture and is particularly excited when researching trends or interior history. Sophie is an avid pop culture fan. As an H&G editor, she has interviewed the likes of Martha Stewart, Hilary Duff, and the casts of Queer Eye and Selling Sunset. Before joining Future Publishing, Sophie worked as the Head of Content and Communications at Fig Linens and Home, a boutique luxury linens and furniture brand. She has also written features on exciting developments in the design world for Westport Magazine. Sophie has an MSc from the Oxford University Department of Anthropology and a BA in Creative Writing and Sociology from Sarah Lawrence College.