
How to prune dill

Learn how to prune dill to ensure a healthy plant and a delicious crop

how to prune dill fresh green dill in wooden box on rustic oak table
(Image credit: Getty images)

A favorite herb in the kitchen, dill is a gorgeous addition to salads and fish dishes. Knowing how to prune dill is essential for maintaining a healthy plant that will keep producing throughout the season. 

Dill has multiple culinary uses and is loved for its subtle aniseed taste. A staple in central and eastern European dishes, the delicate frothy leaves are a go-to herb for seasoning salmon and other fish dishes as well as being the standout flavor of dill pickles. Dill seeds on the other hand are a popular constituent of Indian cuisine as well as infusing in soups and stews. You can even use the pretty yellow flowers as a garnish for salads.

Once you know the basics of how to grow dill, you need on to move on to pruning it – we tell you how in this helpful guide.

dill flowers on side with chopping boards and watering can

(Image credit: Unsplash)

Dill is very easy to grow but is an annual plant. This means it completes its entire life-cycle, from germination to setting seed, in a single year. Plus, dill also has a reputation for dying quickly after producing its seeds. 

Therefore, lengthening the lifecycle of this fast growing herb is essential for its longevity and knowing how to prune dill correctly is key. Cutting the herb regularly will increase its yield by making the plant bushier as well as delaying the development of flowers and seeds.

Dill in vegetable garden. Lawn in foreground. Brick wall in background

(Image credit: Getty images)

How to prune dill: step-by-step

Pruning dill starts when the plant is still small, once its got around five leaves – somewhere between four and eight weeks after planting.

  1.  Start by pinching the growing tips to encourage a bushier plant. The bushier the plant, the more stems and leaves it has and so more available to harvest.
  2. At this point you can also cut any longer stems so that all the stems are the same length and the plant has an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  3. Be sure to use sharp secateurs or scissors to prevent your pruning from damaging the plant.
  4. It is important to then leave the plant to recover and return to its previous size as this will ensure that your plant does not die due to over-pruning.
  5. Then harvest the dill plant when required for culinary or aesthetic reasons. Little and often is a good approach. 'Cut the leaves at the point they join stem or cut the stem within a few inches of the ground, discarding the thick, tough stems,' says Dan Drost in research for Utah State University.
  6. 'Pinch off the flower buds if you are growing dill for its foliage; the flavor will be most intense before the plant blooms,' says Kristin Winterbottom from Park Seeds. Doing this will extend the life of the plant and as a result ensure you are able to continue harvesting the herbs. 
  7. If you are growing your dill plant for seeds, then you will want to allow the dill plant to flower. You can achieve this by pruning the leaves but leaving the main stems and growing tips intact. 
  8. 'To harvest the seeds, secure a paper bag over the flowerhead as the blooms begin to pass. Shake the stem of the plant every so often; when the bag rattles, it is full of dill seeds,' continues Winterbottom.
  9. 'If you’re not interested in seeds, cut off entire plants for preserving either in oil or in the freezer just before flowers open,' advises Amy Enfield, Horticulturist for Bonnie Plants. This will ensure you have delicious dill ready to go all-year round.

Fresh Dill branch in glass jar over kitchen table with white tiled wall at background

(Image credit: Getty images)

How do I prune back dill?

You prune back dill by 'snipping back the foliage fronds continuously but lightly to encourage healthy growth and prevent flowering. Try not to damage the stems or leaves by using sharp pruning shears,' advises Gena Lorainne from landscaping experts Fantastic Services.

pot of dill in how to grow dill

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How do you cut fresh dill so it keeps growing?

To cut fresh dill so that it keeps growing, you must never cut back more than a third of the plant and be sure to leave enough time for the plant to recover after pruning. This will ensure that the dill is able to regrow after having been cut back.

Blooming dill against the sky

(Image credit: Getty images)

How to prune dill for floral arrangements

Dill also makes a beautiful addition to cut flower arrangements. For this, the method for how to prune dill is slightly different. Therefore, if you want to grow dill for both floral arrangements and culinary use, it is worth growing separate plants.

Avoid pruning the growth tips of the plant so that it can continue to grow and flower. You need to wait until the plant has just started to flower, then cut the stems near the base at bouquet length. 'As a cut flower, it's good with whites and blues or rich, brilliant colors to heighten their contrasts,' suggests plantwoman Sarah Raven. 'The flowers last a few days in a vase'.

Dill flowers in a vase

(Image credit: Getty images)
This feature was created by H&G sister brand, Period Living magazine

This feature was created by H&G sister brand, Period Living magazine

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Holly Reaney
Content Editor and Sub-editor

Having graduated with a first class degree in English Literature, Holly started her career as a features writer and sub-editor at Period Living magazine, Homes & Gardens' sister title. Working on Period Living brought with it insight into the complexities of owning and caring for period homes, from interior decorating through to choosing the right windows and the challenges of extending. This has led to a passion for traditional interiors, particularly the country-look. Writing for the Homes & Gardens website as a content editor, alongside regular features for Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors magazines, has enabled her to broaden her writing to incorporate her interests in gardening, wildlife and nature.